DIY: Hackable Virtual Pet Cube EduGiz Guy·June 30There is no better way to learn electronics and 3D printing than building your own things. Adafruit has...DIY & Hacks·0 Comments·0
DIY: Bluetooth Feather Lamp EduGiz Guy·February 19There are plenty of cool smart lamps available on the market. You could always build your own though....DIY & Hacks·0 Comments·0
DIY: NeoPixel LED Cortana Costume EduGiz Guy·January 20There is no better way to learn about wearables and electronics than trying your own project. Adafruit has...DIY & HacksWearables·0 Comments·0
DIY: Bluetooth LED Headphones EduGiz Guy·January 15There is no better way to learn electronics than trying your own projects. If you are interested in...DIY & HacksLearn Electronics·0 Comments·0