Dolly: Internet Connected Doll EduGiz Guy·April 25Meet Dolly: an internet connected doll with a touchscreen display and Android to run educational apps. It brings...Educational Toys·0 Comments·0
Ziro: Robotics Kit + Smart Glove to Build Robots EduGiz Guy·April 19Meet Ziro: a smart robotics kit that lets you build your own robots and control them using a...DIY & HacksEducational Robots·0 Comments·0
FUZEBOX Educational Platform to Teach Coding EduGiz Guy·April 14So you want to get your kids familiar with electronics and robotics? The FUZEBOX has you covered. It...Learn Electronics·0 Comments·0
ScopeAround: Versatile WiFi Camera & Microscope EduGiz Guy·January 28Meet ScopeAround: a versatile WiFi video camera and microscope that you can use for repair jobs, cosmetic purposes,...Educational ToysTablets & Phones·0 Comments·0
WiPy: Internet of Things Platform [Python] EduGiz Guy·December 4Python is a beautiful language to learn and master. You can work on all kinds of sophisticated projects...Home Automation·0 Comments·0
MATRIX: Internet of Things Platform for App Development EduGiz Guy·November 11Everybody is excited about the Internet of Things technologies these days. You are going to need the right...Home Automation·0 Comments·0
Crenova USB Digital Microscope w/ iOS Support EduGiz Guy·October 23Microscopes are wonderful tools to use to explore plants, stamps, and other small objects in greater detail. Thanks...Science·0 Comments·0
Rever: 3D Printer for Kids EduGiz Guy·October 203D printers are fun to play around with. In fact, you learn a lot about modeling, scanning, and...3D Printing·0 Comments·0